Announcing the January 2021 Homeschool Language Challenge!

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Happy Holidays, everyone!

With January 1st only a few days away, perhaps you, like me, have been reflecting on your homeschool routines and wondering how you can develop new habits and goals for 2021.

If those habits and goals include making foreign language study more consistent in your homeschool, let me help you!

Now that my high needs baby is reliably sleeping through the night and (less reliably) napping, I finally have the margin in my life to launch a challenge that I’ve been thinking about for years:

The January 2021 Homeschool Language Challenge!

Not the cutest name, I know, but it’ll get the job done.

Here’s what I’ve got planned:

Starting on January 4, 2021, I’ll be hosting the Homeschool Language Challenge over in my Facebook group, the Language Learning At Home Community AND on my IG page, Language Learning At Home. You can find it on both with the hashtag #homeschoollanguagechallenge. I know that many people are on one platform and not the other, so I thought I’d make it more accessible by running it on both.

Every weekday, I’ll be posting tips, questions, and encouragement in those two places to help you move towards consistent and sustainable foreign language study in your homeschool. My blog posts for the month will focus on the same subject, so check here for more long-form advice as well!

To start, we’ll be working on setting reasonable goals for language study in our homeschool. I’m kicking off that conversation today, so that we’ll be ready to start the challenge, so head on over to your preferred social media platform and join us!

Happy New Year, everyone!